​our Ministries
To equip and encourage members to reach out to all people and to impact the community, state, nation and the world by showing
GOD’s love in practical ways.
Quality leaders will be trained to oversee the implementation of the Great Commission as stated in Matthew 28:19. This will be accomplished through teaching, training, fellowship, worship and outreach.

Youth Ministry
Young children 10 and under are over the direction of Nicole Assamoi each Sunday.
Older children 11 and up are over direction of Kenya Drake as Youth Bible Study.​
If you'd like to join this ministry, please email us.
Music Ministry
Under the direction of Tanya Drake. We’re seeking new singers as well as musicians. If you'd like to join this ministry, please email us

Point Men (Men's Ministry)
An expanding group of men & sons (10 and up) who meet monthly for the sole purpose of leading their families to the Kingdom. Here men study, share, encourage and challenge themselves to be all they can be in God’s Army! They meet every 3rd Saturday.
If you'd like to join this ministry, please email us
Women of Grace (Women's Ministry)
Flourishing Ministry of women & daughters (10 & up) seeking the “Will of God” for their lives. Meet once a month. The ladies participate in a time of crafts, Bible study and a light lunch. Childcare is provided. There are outings and festivities to inspire, motivate, cultivate and encourage our women to receive and achieve all the blessings that God has for a “Woman of Grace.”
If you'd like to join this ministry, please email us

Media Ministry
Our goal is to provide a creative outlet to grow God's community through The CREST Church. This allows us to enhance our outreach through any and all means of media outlets.
If you'd like to join this ministry, please email us
SERT'S Ministry
If you'd like to join this ministry, please email us

Usher Ministry
To assist members and ministries during service in a friendly manner. If you'd like to join this ministry, please email us